***UPDATE: Vader is appealing due to new information showing that Justice Denny Thomas was citing an outdated version of the Criminal Code.***


Justice Denny Thomas finds Travis Vader guilty of two accounts of second degree murder for the deaths of Lyle and Marie McCann. 

More information will be given in an hour as the court is currently in recess.


You can watch the live broadcast here: LIVESTREAM

This is the first time in Alberta history that a camera has been allowed in a criminal trial courtroom.


The brief details of this case are:

Lyle and Marie McCann were last seen July 3, 2010. They were exiting a Superstore lot in St. Albert and heading to B.C. for a family camping vacation.

Their motor home was found ablaze two days later at a campground outside of Edson. The SUV they had been were towing was then found in the woods on July 16, 2010.

Their bodies have never been found.



*Photo from 979therange.ca**

Filed under: Edmonton, Murder, Ruling, Travis Vader, Yeg