Did you ever throw a stone in the water? What did you see? 

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You saw the ripples in the water from the thrown stone. Each ripple as a matter of fact got bigger.  So it is with life. You are the stone thrown into the pond of life. The natural ripples  of life are sleeping, eating, moving and thinking. One affects the other big time.


According to Greg Wells if you sleep better you eat better , if you eat better you move better and if you move better, you think better then BAM. You have a happier and healthier life. Sounds good doesn’t it. Well it is. After I read this book I realized that life can be simple by just being consistent and only try to improve the basics of life 1% at a time. Simple.

I was out for dinner with my son just last week and after talking to a good friend and sharing ideas about life I could not help but to run to Chapters the next day and pick up the book The Ripple effect  and deliver it to our friend.  We can make life so complicated and it doesn’t have to be. Trust me, I am a simple person and making things complicated isn’t what I like to do.  Break things down to the lowest denominator and I will get it. And you will too.


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You need to pick this book up and see the ripple effect of good health and high performance.  You will see you do not have to make major changes or sacrifices in your life.  It is not rocket science!!!


I get up in the morning now and first thing I do is have a glass of water.  Simple healthy breakfast, fruit, protein shake or hard boiled egg. coffee. whole wheat toast with peanut butter.  I have energy to work out, walk or bike. Get my most important chore done for the day, snack, work again, lunch, nap (yeah) dinner and tea at night.  Sleep 8 hrs  (sleep is so important)and wow what a feeling!!!


Remember all the things you do in life affect each of the things that  are most important for a happier and healthier life. Take action, Read the book and apply its principles.



Live Better not Harder!


Mike Sr.