A news anchor recently had to cover the story of a Syrian Airstrike, which involved the above image. This image of a 5 year old Syrian boy has gone viral.

The news anchor, Kate Boldaun, repeatedly choked up while doing the story, as you can see here:

Please note, that the footage is very graphic and emotional.



As many are saying online, the results of the war in Syria are finally hitting home here in north America.

Rescue workers, journalists and photographers were the ones who arrived shortly after the strike and began pulled victims from the rubble.

Photojournalist Mahmoud Raslan, who took the memorable photo, said, “We were passing them from one balcony to the other,”

He also said he had been passed along three lifeless bodies before someone handed him the wounded boy.


The Pepper & Dylan Show


(Sources: CNN, Youtube, Dayton Daily News)


Filed under: Bombing, News, Syria, tears, viral